Hi I'm new here and English is not my first language, so forgive me for any grammar or spelling mistake.
The problem I'm currently having is when I edit an object and try to display the values in other view. I've already checked that the object is been save in the database, but when I try to display its value in and other view, it doesn't update. I have to open and close the app to be updated.
This is the controller code
Edit(int? id)
Teacher teacher = db.Teacher.Find(id);
return View(model);
Edit(Teacher teacher)
var _teacher = db.Teacher.Find(teacher.id);
db.Entry(_teacher ).CurrentValues.SetValues(Teacher);
return redirecToAction("DisplayStudent", new {id=Teacher.studentId});
DisplayStudent(int? id)
var student = db.Studen.Find(id);
ViewBag.Teachers = db.Teacher.Where(model => model.studentId ==id).ToList();
return View(student);
This the view
@model Student
List<Teacher> Teachers = (List<Model>)ViewBag.Teachers;
@foreach(var teacher in Teachers)
I've already solve the problem, the database wasn't been updated.
All I did was put in DisplayStudent(int? id)
DisplayStudent(int? id)
db = new dbEntities();
var student = db.Studen.Find(id);
ViewBag.Teachers = db.Teacher.Where(model => model.studentId ==id).ToList();
return View(student);