I need to produce a calculation trace file containing tabular data showing intermediate results. I am currently using a combination of the standard ascii pipe symbols (|) and dashes (-) to draw the table lines:
Numerator | Denominator | Result
6 | 2 | 3
10 | 5 | 2
Are there any unicode characters that could be used to produce a more professional looking table?
(The file must be a raw text format and cannot use HTML or any other markup)
Edit: I've added an example of what the table now looks like having taken the suggestion on board and used the unicode box drawing characters:
Numerator │ Denominator │ Result
6 │ 2 │ 3
10 │ 5 │ 2
There are Unicode box drawing characters (look for Box Drawing under Geometrical Symbols - the chart itself is a PDF). I don't have any idea how widely supported those characters are, though.