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creating a subroutine in Perl that will take a hash from a hash of hashes as an argument and print out one of the values from that hash

More details:

1st hash: hash of error messages
2nd hash: error message itself (error_name)

which contains 3 key values (statusCode, message, params)

I am trying to create a method that will take in error_name and print out the message. This is the code I have at the minute:

`our %error = (
               ERROR_1 => {
                                     statusCode => 561.
                                     message => "an unexpected error occurred at location X",
                                     params => $param_1,
               ERROR_2 => {
                                     statusCode => 561.
                                     message => "an unexpected error occurred at location Y",
                                     params => $param_1,

Is this possible? I'm trying to create a subroutine that will take an error from the hash %error and print out its message. Is this possible? Or maybe there is a better way of doing it.


  • Some examples to understand structures. These all mean same (with small difference):

    # just a hash
    %hash = ( 'a', 1, 'b', '2' );
    %hash = ( a => 1, b => '2' );
    # ref to hash
    $hash_ref = \%hash;
    $hash_ref = { a => 1, b => 2 };
    print $hash{ a }; #prints 1
    print $hash_ref->{ a }; #prints 1

    1 and '2' are values. Values maybe only scalars. Reference to SOMETHING is also scalar. $hash_ref in the example above.

    In your example you say 1st hash is list. I think you mean array:

    $list = [ $error1, $error2 ];
    $error1 = { error_name => $description }
    $description = { status => 'status', message => 'msg', params => [ 1,2,'asdf'] }

    You know that a sub get list of scalars. If you want to pass hash into sub you just pass reference to this hash

    fn( \%hash );

    and get this hash at sub:

    sub fn { 
        my( $hash ) =  @_;
        print $hash->{ key_name };

    I suppose you have just a list of errors, each of them contain keys:

    $list_of_errors = [
        { status => 1, message => 'hello' },
        { status => 2, message => 'hello2' },
        { status => 1, message => 'hello3' },
    fn( $list_of_errors );
    sub fn {
       my( $le ) =  @_;
       print $le->[1]{ message }; #will print 'hello2'
       # print $le->{ error_name }{ status }; #try this in case hash of hashes

    To understand structures better try to use Data::Dump module;

    use Data::Dump qw/ pp /;
    %hash = ( a => 1 );
    $hash = \%hash;
    $arr =  [ 1, 2, 'a' ];
    print pp $hash, \%hash, $arr;

    Good luck.


    our %error = (
        ERROR_1 => {
             statusCode => 561,
             message => "an unexpected error occurred at location X",
             params => $param_1,
        ERROR_2 => {
             statusCode => 561,
             message => "an unexpected error occurred at location Y",
             params => $param_1,
    sub print_err {
        my( $err_name ) =  @_;
        print $error{ $err_name }{ message } ."\n";
    print_err( 'ERROR_1' );
    print_err( 'ERROR_2' );