Given a WebSocket endpoint as follows.
@ServerEndpoint(value = "/Push/CartPush/{token}")
public final class CartPush {
// ...
The endpoint is able to accept a path parameter {token}
. The path parameter is however, optional which is determined dynamically at run-time in Java Script. Skipping this parameter in JavaScript like the following results in 404
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:8443/ContextPath/Push/CartPush");
WebSocket connection to
failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
It makes the token value compulsory as follows.
var token = "token value";
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:8443/ContextPath/Push/CartPush" + "/" + token);
In order to exclude all unneeded HTTP methods except GET
and POST
, I use the following restrictions or constraints along with Servlet security constraints using appropriate URL patterns and role mappings in web.xml
<web-resource-name>Disable unneeded HTTP methods by 403</web-resource-name>
<deny-uncovered-http-methods/> <!-- Requires Servlet 3.1 -->
How to make the given path parameter optional?
The server in use is WildFly 10.0.0 final / Java EE 7.
Unfortunately, WS URI template is documented to follow [RFC 6570 Level 1] 2 templates. So a Level 3 template like /Push/CartPush{/token}
won't work out.
Your best bet is always suffixing it with /
and let the token be an empty string.
var token = "";
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:8443/ContextPath/Push/CartPush/" + token);
It might be worth an enhancement request at WS spec guys.
Given that the parameter is fully defined in the client, an alternative is to supply it as a request parameter. Naturally, request parameters represent client-defined parameters.
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:8443/ContextPath/Push/CartPush?token=" + token);
String token = session.getRequestParameterMap().get("token").get(0);