I am following some tutorials online but the code is meant for an iPad. I am working with an iPhone and the screen sizes are different. The problem is that the author uses 'magic numbers' that are made specifically for the iPad.
I have been successful in creating conversions so that it will work for any device. For example:
let xMid : CGFloat = CGRectGetMidX(self.frame)
let yMid : CGFloat = CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)
print("x: \(xMid) y: \(yMid)")
let height : CGFloat = CGRectGetHeight(self.frame)
let width : CGFloat = CGRectGetWidth (self.frame)
makeSlotAt(CGPoint(x: xMid / 4.0, y: 0), isGood: true)
makeSlotAt(CGPoint(x: xMid - xMid / 4.0, y: 0), isGood: false)
makeSlotAt(CGPoint(x: xMid + xMid / 4.0, y: 0), isGood: true)
makeSlotAt(CGPoint(x: xMid * 2.0 - xMid / 4.0, y: 0), isGood: false)
makeBouncerAt(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
makeBouncerAt(CGPoint(x: xMid / 2.0, y: 0))
makeBouncerAt(CGPoint(x: xMid, y: 0))
makeBouncerAt(CGPoint(x: xMid * 1.5, y: 0))
makeBouncerAt(CGPoint(x: xMid * 2.0, y: 0))
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was a function or cheat sheet that had numerical conversions between device sizes.
If the tutorial you're using uses magic numbers, then stop using it immediately. If you use autolayout and follow Apple's guidelines for iOS 7 & up, you rarely, if ever, need to use magic numbers. The functions that you created are a good start for in-code measurements.