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Creating an NSArray to represent values that include nil

I have data source method which asks for an NSArray of numbers; some of them could be nil, but I need to return every value anyways.

The method might look like this:

- (NSArray *)configurationValues:(Configuration *)configuration {
  return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:value1, value2, value3, value4, nil];

If the value3 is nil, I have to return {2, 3, (object is nil), 3}.

Off course I'm getting exceptions because I can't insert a nil object.

What I can do is check every object and insert some dummy number or NSNull, but this to me seems like boilerplate, and not really elegant.

I'm trying to create a category for NSArray which would replace all nil values with something else to avoid the exceptions:

@implementation NSArray (Nullable)

+ (instancetype)arrayWithObjectsSafe:(id)firstObj, ... {
    NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
    va_list args;
    id  object;

    va_start(args, firstObj);

    while((object = va_arg(args, id))) {
        if (object) {
            [array addObject:object];
        } else {
            // Insert dummy element // stuck here
            [array addObject:[NSNull null]];
        NSLog(@"OBJECT %@", object);


    return [NSArray arrayWithArray:array];

I'm not really familiar with variadic methods, and I'm stuck here because the while loop skips the nil value, so the final array contains only the elements before the nil.

Can I fix this, or is there an existing way for NSArray to not throw an exception when trying to insert nil object?


  • Your code fails simply because you are using nil as both your end of arguments marker and as one of the arguments. Just use a different end of arguments marker. For example you can define:

    const id END_MARKER (__bridge id)(void *)-1;

    to define another constant rather like nil (which has the value 0). Change your loop to:

    while((object = va_arg(args, id)) != END_MARKER)

    and your call to:

    [NSArray arrayWithObjects:value1, value2, value3, value4, END_MARKER];

    and your code works.
