The support function GetCmdTail
returns all command line parameters passed to Setup or Uninstall as a single string. This produces:
/SL5="$A808E8,550741730,269824,D:\Setup.exe" /DEBUGWND=$6A0ACA /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /closeapplications /restartapplications /norestart
Is there another function or simple way of just returning the user specified command line switches:
/verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /closeapplications /restartapplications /norestart
in this particular case, whilst excluding the /DEBUGWND
entry and/or any other parameters that have not been user specified?
Since Inno Setup 6.2, ParamCount
and ParamStr
exclude some of these internal parameters, so the if
condition in the below code is not needed.
Based on a similar code I use to run an elevated installer:
function GetUserCmdTail: string;
I: Integer;
S: string;
for I := 1 to ParamCount do
S := ParamStr(I);
// Filter all internal Inno Setup switches
if (CompareText(Copy(S, 1, 5), '/SL5=') <> 0) and
(CompareText(Copy(S, 1, 10), '/DEBUGWND=') <> 0) and
(CompareText(Copy(S, 1, 10), '/SPAWNWND=') <> 0) and
(CompareText(Copy(S, 1, 11), '/NOTIFYWND=') <> 0) and
(CompareText(S, '/DETACHEDMSG') <> 0) and
(CompareText(S, '/DebugSpawnServer') <> 0) then
Result := Result + AddQuotes(S) + ' ';