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Cannot enable /monitor endpoint for spring-cloud-bus for push notifications

I have configured spring cloud config to read properties from a git repository.With the current implementation if there is a change in the configuration, if post to /refresh on my client I am able to see the updated properties. Now, I would like to use the spring-cloud-bus-monitor to detect changes in my git repo and automatically refresh the properties in my client endpoints. Even after adding spring-cloud-config-monitor in the dependencies - the /monitor endpoint is not enabled, and therefore even when there are changes in the config properties in the config server - nothing gets refreshed.

I have a RabbitMQ server running locally as well. Appreciate any pointers on how to get the /monitor enabled to push notifications to all the clients in the bus


"timestamp": 1457025362412
"status": 405
"error": "Method Not Allowed"
"exception": "org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException"
"message": "Request method 'POST' not supported"
"path": "/monitor"
}      : Received remote refresh request. Keys refreshed []

server pom dependencies:


pom dependency in client:



  • You don't say what version you are using, it's only available in Brixton (the latest is M5). Remove <scope>test</scope>.

    It should be:


    spring-cloud-config-monitor is not required in the client.

    Monitor is meant to be used by git hosting services webhooks. If you're using a filesystem you have to use the native config server profile. See here for more information.