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How do I send the needed parameters to REFDOCRANGE using NSAPConnector?

I need to use the BAPI_BILLINGDOC_GETLIST API from SAP to get some invoices. After looking at the documentation, I only saw one parameter. But after consulting with the SAP guys, that parameter is like a collection of parameters.

So using SAP .NET Connector, this is how I would normally call an SAP BAPI:

using (var connection = new SapConnection("SAP"))

    var command = new SapCommand("BAPI_BILLINGDOC_GETLIST", connection);

    command.Parameters.Add("REFDOCRANGE", salesOrderNumber);

    resultDataSet = command.ExecuteDataSet();

But as you can imagine, it doesn't work. The actual BAPI is expecting parameters for some fields called S, OP, REF_DOC_LO, and REF_DOC_HI. As you can see here:

enter image description here

But I get errors if I actually use those parameters, basically telling me that they don't exist. So do I just send the data in the REFDOCRANGE parameter? Does anyone know how that should be formatted?


  • The parameter REFDOCRANGE is not a simple value parameter, it is a structure of type BAPI_REF_DOC_RANGE. That structure has several fields, SIGN, OPTION, REF_DOC_LOW and REF_DOC_HIGH. You can set those fields by first retrieving a reference to the structure, then setting the individual field values.

    It looks like the NSAPConnector doesn't really support complex parameters. I looked at the sources and you only get a basic SapParameter class that has a name and a value.

    In native SAP .Net Connector 3 this would look like this (somewhat pseudocode, untested):

    IRfcFunction fnc = destination.Repository.CreateFunction("BAPI_BILLINGDOC_GETLIST");
    IRfcStructure param = fnc.GetStructure("REFDOCRANGE");
    param.SetValue("SIGN", "BT");
    param.SetValue("REF_DOC_LOW", salesOrderNumberLow);
    param.SetValue("REF_DOC_HIGH", salesOrderNumberHigh);
    IRfcTable tabDetail = fnc.GetTable("BILLINGDOCUMENTDETAIL");
    foreach(var row in tabDetail)

    If I didn't miss anything and the NSAPConnector-library is indeed missing support for complex parameters, I'd suggest switching to the standard SAP .Net Connector 3. You can get it directly from SAP (SAP Marketplace account needed)