I have been trying to work out how to replicate IDL's smooth function in Python and I just can't get anything like the same results. (Disclaimer: It is probably 10 years since I touched this kind of mathematical problem so it has been dumped to make way for information like where to find the cheapest local fuel). I am trying to code this:
where b is a 2D float array containing NANs (zeros - missing data - have also been converted to NAN).
From the IDL documents, it appears smooth uses a boxcar, so from scipy.ndimage.filters I have tried:
bsmooth = uniform_filter(b, w)
I am aware that there are some fundamental differences here:
Here is my test array:
>>>b array([[ 0.97599638, 0.93114936, 0.87070072, 0.5379253 ],
[ 0.34873217, nan, 0.40985891, 0.22407863],
[ nan, nan, nan, 0.67532134],
[ nan, nan, 0.85441768, nan]])
My answers bore not the SLIGHTEST resemblance to IDL, whether I use the /nan keyword or not.
IDL> smooth(b,2,/nan)
0.97599638 0.93114936 0.87070072 0.53792530
0.34873217 0.70728749 0.60817236 0.22407863
NaN 0.53766960 0.54091913 0.67532134
NaN NaN 0.85441768 NaN
IDL> smooth(b,2)
0.97599638 0.93114936 0.87070072 0.53792530
0.34873217 -NaN -NaN 0.22407863
-NaN -NaN -NaN 0.67532134
-NaN -NaN 0.85441768 NaN
I confess I find the scipy documentation rather sparse on detail so I have no idea if I am really doing what I think I doing. The fact that the two python approaches which I believed would both smooth the image give different answers suggests that things are not what I understood them to be.
>>>uniform_filter(b, 2)
array([[ 0.97599638, 0.95357287, 0.90092504, 0.70431301],
[ 0.66236428, nan, nan, nan],
[ nan, nan, nan, nan],
[ nan, nan, nan, nan]])
I thought it was a bit odd it was so empty so I tried this with an array of 100 elements (still using a window of 2) and output the images. The results (first image is 'b' second is 'bsmooth') are not quite what I was hoping for:
Going back to the smaller array and following the examples in: http://scipy.github.io/old-wiki/pages/Cookbook/SignalSmooth which I thought would give the same output as uniform_filter, I tried:
>>> box = np.array([1,1,1,1])
>>> box = box.reshape(2,2)
>>> box
array([[1, 1],
[1, 1]])
>>> bsmooth = scipy.signal.convolve2d(b,box,mode='same')
>>> print bsmooth
[[ 0.97599638 1.90714574 1.80185008 1.40862602]
[ 1.32472855 nan nan 2.04256356]
[ nan nan nan nan]
[ nan nan nan nan]]
Obviously I have completely misunderstood the scipy functions, maybe even the IDL one. If anyone can help me to replicate the IDL smooth function as closely as possible, I would be extremely grateful. I am under considerable time pressure to get a solution for this that doesn't rely on IDL and I am tossing a coin to decide whether to code the function from scratch or develop a very contagious illness.
How can I perform the same smoothing in python?
Since this is not something that is available in the python packages and because I saw the question asked several times during my research without satisfactory answers, here is how I solved the issue.
Provided is a test version of my function that I'm off to tidy up. I am sure there will be better ways to do the things I have done as I'm still fairly new to Python - please do recommend any appropriate changes.
Plots use autumn colourmap just because it allowed me to see the NaNs clearly.
My results:
IDL propagate
0.033369284 0.067915268 0.96602046 0.85623550
0.30435592 NaN NaN 100.00000
0.94065958 NaN NaN 0.90966976
0.018516513 0.044460904 0.051047217 NaN
python propagate
[[ 3.33692829e-02 6.79152655e-02 9.66020487e-01 8.56235492e-01]
[ 3.04355923e-01 nan nan 1.00000000e+02]
[ 9.40659566e-01 nan nan 9.09669768e-01]
[ 1.85165123e-02 4.44609040e-02 5.10472165e-02 nan]]
IDL replace
0.033369284 0.067915268 0.96602046 0.85623550
0.30435592 0.47452110 14.829881 100.00000
0.94065958 0.33833817 17.002417 0.90966976
0.018516513 0.044460904 0.051047217 NaN
python replace
[[ 3.33692829e-02 6.79152655e-02 9.66020487e-01 8.56235492e-01]
[ 3.04355923e-01 4.74521092e-01 1.48298812e+01 1.00000000e+02]
[ 9.40659566e-01 3.38338177e-01 1.70024175e+01 9.09669768e-01]
[ 1.85165123e-02 4.44609040e-02 5.10472165e-02 nan]]
My function:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# smooth.py
__version__ = 0.1
# Version 0.1 29 Feb 2016 ELH Test release
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp
def Smooth(v1, w, nanopt):
# v1 is the input 2D numpy array.
# w is the width of the square window along one dimension
# nanopt can be replace or propagate
v1 = np.array(
[[3.33692829e-02, 6.79152655e-02, 9.66020487e-01, 8.56235492e-01],
[3.04355923e-01, np.nan , 4.86013025e-01, 1.00000000e+02],
[9.40659566e-01, 5.23314093e-01, np.nan , 9.09669768e-01],
[1.85165123e-02, 4.44609040e-02, 5.10472165e-02, np.nan ]])
w = 2
mp.imshow(v1, interpolation='None', cmap='autumn')
# make a copy of the array for the output:
# If w is even, add one
if w % 2 == 0:
w = w + 1
# get the size of each dim of the input:
r,c = v1.shape
# Assume that w, the width of the window is always square.
startrc = (w - 1)/2
stopr = r - ((w + 1)/2) + 1
stopc = c - ((w + 1)/2) + 1
# For all pixels within the border defined by the box size, calculate the average in the window.
# There are two options:
# Ignore NaNs and replace the value where possible.
# Propagate the NaNs
for col in range(startrc,stopc):
# Calculate the window start and stop columns
startwc = col - (w/2)
stopwc = col + (w/2) + 1
for row in range (startrc,stopr):
# Calculate the window start and stop rows
startwr = row - (w/2)
stopwr = row + (w/2) + 1
# Extract the window
window = v1[startwr:stopwr, startwc:stopwc]
if nanopt == 'replace':
# If we're replacing Nans, then select only the finite elements
window = window[np.isfinite(window)]
# Calculate the mean of the window
vout[row,col] = np.mean(window)
mp.imshow(vout, interpolation='None', cmap='autumn')
return vout