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Pass infinite params by reference (using keywords params and ref together)

Is it possible to pass an infinite number of parameters into my function by reference?

I know this is not valid, but is there a way to do this?

private bool Test(ref params object[] differentStructures)
    //Change array here and reflect changes per ref

TestStructOne test1 = default(TestStructOne);
TestStructTwo test2 = default(TestStructTwo);
TestStructOne test3 = default(TestStructOne);
if (Test(test1, test2, test3)) { //happy dance }

I know I could do the following, but I'm hoping to eliminate having to create an extra variable to contain all the objects...

private bool Test(ref object[] differentStructures)
    //Change array here and reflect changes per ref

TestStructOne test1 = default(TestStructOne);
TestStructTwo test2 = default(TestStructTwo);
TestStructOne test3 = default(TestStructOne);
object[] tests = new object[] { test1, test2, test3 };
if (Test(ref tests)) { //simi quazi happy dance }


  • So the simple answer is no, you can´t have a method return an infinite number of references.

    What should be the benefit on such a feature? Obvioulsy you want a method that can change any object no matter where it comes from nor who is using it any more. This hardly is a break on the Single-Responsibility-principle of a class, making it a God-object.

    What you can do however is create the instances within an enumeration:

    private bool Test(object[] differentStructures)
        differentStructures[0] = someOtherRessource;
        differentStructures[1] = anotherDifferentRessource
        differentStructures[2] = thirdDifferentRessource

    And call it like:

    var tests = new[] {

    Which will lead to the following:

    tests[0] = someOtherRessource;
    tests[1] = anotherDifferentRessource
    tests[2] = thirdDifferentRessource