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How to list all keys of a generic yaml by yaml-cpp

If a yaml document contains a mix of sequences and maps and scalars, and those collection types are themselves multi-level deep, is there a built-in function or an easy way to list all the keys, but not the final value at the leaf? Assuming the keys are strings.


  • You'll have to recurse on the nodes in your document, checking the type of each:

    switch (node.Type()) {
      case Null: // ...
      case Scalar: // ...
      case Sequence:
        for (auto it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); ++it) {
          auto element = *it;
          // recurse on "element"
      case Map:
        for (auto it = node.begin(); it != node.end(); ++it) {
          auto key = it->first;
          auto value = it->second;
          // recurse on "key" and "value"
          // if you're sure that "key" is a string, just grab it here
      case Undefined: // ...