I want to write spark unit test cases and I am using FunSuite for it. But i want that my sparkContext is initialized only once , used by all the Suites and then is killed when all Suites completes.
abstract class baseClass extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter{
before {
println("initialize spark context")
after {
println("kill spark context")
class A extends baseClass{
test("for class A"){
class B extends baseClass{
test(for class b){
but when i run sbt test I can see println statement baseClass has been called from both the tests. Obsiously When the object is created for both the classes A and B , Abstract baseclass is called. But then how can we achieve my purpose i.e spark context is iniliazed only once while all the test cases are run
If you really want to share the context between suites - you'll have to make it static. Then you can use a lazy
value to make it start on first use. As for shutting it down - you can leave it to the automatic Shutdown hook created each time a context is created.
It would look something like:
abstract class SparkSuiteBase extends FunSuite {
lazy val sparkContext = SparkSuiteBase.sparkContext
// putting the Spark Context inside an object allows reusing it between tests
object SparkSuiteBase {
private lazy val sparkContext = ??? // create the context here