I am using 2 R dygraphs in one Shiny App. I observe a problem returning the graphs, that is, sometimes it doesn't load/display one of the dygraphs, sometimes it does. Weird behaviour. Anyone experienced something similar?
tabBox(width = 350,
tabPanel(title="Product", dygraphOutput("dygraph1")),
tabPanel(title="Segment", dygraphOutput("dygraph2"))
zoo<-structure(c(2252L, 2256L, 2256L, 2257L, 2259L, 2262L, 2262L,
2262L, 765L, 767L, 767L, 769L, 768L, 769L, 774L, 706L,
16239L, 16220L, 26184L, 26148L, 26091L, 26099L, 26118L,
12607L), .Dim = c(8L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("A",
"B", "C")), index = structure(c(16849, 16853, 16854,
16855, 16856, 16857, 16858, 16859), class = "Date"), class =
zoo2<-structure(c(52L, 56L, 56L, 57L, 59L, 62L, 62L,
62L, 65L, 67L, 67L, 69L, 68L, 69L, 74L, 76L,
162L, 162L, 261L, 261L, 260L, 260L, 261L,
126L), .Dim = c(8L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("D", "E",
"F")), index = structure(c(16849, 16853, 16854,16855,
16856, 16857, 16858, 16859), class = "Date"), class = "zoo")
dyOptions(stackedGraph = TRUE, drawGrid = FALSE) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20)%>%
dyHighlight(highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 3))
dygraph(zoo2) %>%
dyOptions(stackedGraph = TRUE,drawGrid = FALSE) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20) %>%
dyHighlight(highlightSeriesOpts = list(strokeWidth = 3))
I am running R Studio v. 0.99.484, R v. 3.2.3, Windows Machine, Dygraphs Package v. 0.7
So, from support from RDygraphs on GitHub (Issue Closed @ https://github.com/rstudio/dygraphs/issues/62) these problems are not so uncommon. The solution includes updates of all dependency packages to latest versions, in my case htmlwidgets to v. 0.6. Now the dygraphs display 98% correctly (2% something goes wrong, should be possibly solved by new version of htmlwidgets in few days).