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An user control as Tool tip for WPF TextBlock

I have a TextBlock having a canvas as its ToolTip. An user control is bounded to the canvas from the back-end in constructor. The TextBlock defined in xaml as follows:

<TextBlock Width="60" Height="40" Text="More info.">
            <Canvas Name="canToolTip"></Canvas> 

The constructor definition will be :

 public UC_PublicationAdd()
        // assign datacontext
        canToolTip.Children.Add(new ToolTipControl());

The whole scenario is fine Now let me come to the Problem. When i place the mouse over the TextBlock ToolTip is showing but its size is not controllable. What i mean is that, size of tooltip is too smaller(default size when tooltip text is not present). I want the tooltip equal to the size of the canvas


  • Sorry for Make you Confused, finally i solved the issue by assigning width and height to the canvas inside the tooltip. The xaml looks like the following:

    <TextBlock Width="60" Height="40" Text="More info.">
              <Canvas Name="canToolTip" Height="80" Width="130"></Canvas> 