I am bit confused with typecasting in Swift.
Have a small doubt.
What is the difference between as?
and only as
And can we say "as" is similar to is
Thanks in advance.
The 'as' keyword is used for casting.
'as' example:
let calcVC = destinationViewController as CalculatorViewController
This line casts the destinationViewController to a CalculatorViewController. However, this would crash if destinationViewController was not a CalculatorViewController or a subclass thereof.
To protect against a crash, you can use 'if let' with 'as?'...
'as?' example:
if let calcVC = destinationViewController as? CalculatorViewController {
// ... write code to execute if destinationViewController is in fact a CalculatorViewController
You can even check before you even try to do 'as' with the 'is' keyword...
'is' example:
if destinationViewController is CalculatorViewController {