I have a few errors when implementating the AJTCL on Windows10
After building the source with scons, when I try to run the basic_services or the basic_client samples i get the followiing errors
ERROR: AJ_LoadNVFromFile("ajtcl.nvram") failed aj_net.c:770
Mcast6up(): bind(): failed. WSAGetLastError()=0x271d
Is there something I am missing to include?
PS: I manually started the Alljoyn Router present in the Windows10
ERROR: AJ_LoadNVFromFile("ajtcl.nvram")failed
occurs only the first the time the program is executed and it creates a new file ajtcl.nvram.
The error message should be a warning. I filed a bug.
IPv6 is not supported yet for AJTCL.