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Is there a way of ignoring files in the watch task of boot-clj?

I'm using boot in a clojurescript project and the development flow is pretty smooth so far. But there's one thing that's bothering me.

I use VIM as my editor and it creates temporary files for its buffers, the famous files named with ~ in the end. Every time I edit a file vim creates the temporary file for its buffer and as I'm using the built-in task watch of boot, it triggers the reload even though I've not saved any real file.

This is my boot task definition:

(deftask dev                                                     
   "Launch Immediate Feedback Development Environment"
     (serve :dir "target" :reload true)
     (sass :source-maps true :output-dir "styles")
     (target :dir #{"target"})))

I would like to configure the watch task to ignore any file ending with ~ so the reload will be triggered only when I save some meaningful file. Is it possible? Is there any other solution?


  • This has been mentioned in Boot wiki. As far as I know the watch task doesn't support ignoring such files and the wiki describes a workaround for it by changing the location of vim's backup files.