I am attempting to create a simple script in Ruby that accesses a MySQL database and runs a query based on user input.
If a user gives bad login information or attempts to SELECT
a table or column that does not exist I would like the user to re-enter only the information that is causing an issue instead of having to re-enter all information.
I wish for this code to raise an exception based on what part of the query threw an error:
require "mysql2"
require "watir"
require "csv"
Mysql2::Client.default_query_options.merge!(:as => :array)
mysql = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "", :username => "usr", :password => "pass123", :database => "db")
db = "db"
puts "Please enter all `table`.`column` pairs you wish to select from; separated by a comma and space."
tCP = gets.chomp.split(", ")
dynQ = "SELECT "
tCP.each {|pair| dynQ << (db + "." + pair + ", ") }
puts "Please enter the `table` you wish to select from:"
tF = db + "." + gets.chomp
dynQ = dynQ.chop!.chop! + " FROM " + tF + " LIMIT 10;"
report = mysql.query(dynQ)
report = mysql.query(dynQ)
report.each {|row| puts row}
puts "Query Successful!"
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
puts e.errno
puts e.error
puts "Please re-nter all `table`.`column` pairs separated by, ', '."
tCP = gets.chomp!.split(", ")
dynQ = "SELECT "
tCP.each {|pair| dynQ << (db + "." + pair + ", ") }
tF = db + "."
puts "Now re-enter the `table` to select `FROM`:"
tF << gets.chomp!
dynQ = dynQ.chop!.chop! + " FROM " + tF + " LIMIT 10;"
For example, if I SELECT
from a table or column that doesn't exist, I get this:
/Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:107:in '_query': Table 'db.table_dne' doesn't exist (Mysql2::Error)
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:107:in 'block in query'
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:106:in 'handle_interrupt'
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:106:in 'query'
from file.rb:23:in '<main>'
Yet if I am taking that selection from a table that doesn't exist, I get the same exact thing:
/Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:107:in '_query': Unknown column 'db.table_dne' doesn't exist (Mysql2::Error)
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:107:in 'block in query'
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:106:in 'handle_interrupt'
from /Users/guy/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/mysql2-0.4.2/lib/mysql2/client.rb:106:in 'query'
from file.rb:23:in '<main>'
Ideally, I want to rescue
based on what exception appears in the console and have the user re-enter either tCP
or tF
instead of just being given a more general exception.
I looked through the MySQL2 documentation without luck.
Let's break down your attempt:
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
puts e.errno
puts e.error
keeps your script runningMysql2::Error => e
takes from the Error
class and stores in e
puts e.errno
the error number to the consoleputs e.error
the error description to the consoleAnd with that, the following begin
loop should work for you:
report = mysql.query(dynQ)
report.each {|row| puts row}
puts "Query Successful!"
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
if e.errno === 1146
puts e.error
tF = db + "."
puts "Now re-enter the `table` to select `FROM`:"
tF << gets.chomp!
elsif e.errno === 1054
puts e.error
puts "Please re-nter all `table`.`column` pairs separated by, ', '."
tCP = gets.chomp!.split(", ")
dynQ = "SELECT "
tCP.each {|pair| dynQ << (db + "." + pair + ", ") }
# puts e.errno
puts e.error
puts "Please re-nter all `table`.`column` pairs separated by, ', '."
tCP = gets.chomp!.split(", ")
dynQ = "SELECT "
tCP.each {|pair| dynQ << (db + "." + pair + ", ") }
tF = db + "."
puts "Now re-enter the `table` to select `FROM`:"
tF << gets.chomp!
dynQ = dynQ.chop!.chop! + " FROM " + tF + " LIMIT 10;"