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DSpace: Items only appear in Discovery after moving to another collection

I moved all the items from a collection to another. However, these items, on the source collection,didn't appear on the discovery. After the move, these same items appeared on the destination collection. Why these items didn't appear at the source collection before the move?

Still before the move: If I get these item's handle and try to access on a browser it works. Should it be a problem on discovery index?


  • There could be 2 causes for this issue.

    1. the items need to be re-indexed. Depending on how the move was performed, the index may not have been updated.
    2. If you are using XMLUI, the cocoon cache needs to be cleared

    Here is my recommendation.

    1. Since this is quick, clear the cocoon cache from the Admin->Control Panel->Java Information page.
    2. It that does not resolve the issue, re-build your discovery index by running [dspace-install]/bin/dspace index-discovery -b

    The re-index can take a while a while to complete. User search results will be impacted during the re-index process.