I am trying to set up a test suite for an F# project using NUnit. It seems that especially when testing things like parsers and type checkers one typically has a list of valid input data and a list of invalid data. The tests itself are practically identical, so I am looking for a clever way to avoid writing a test function for each and every data item and instead seperate the test function from the data. Apparently, there seems to be something called test cases for that but I am having a hard time to find comprehensive documentation for the usage of NUnit 3 with F# in general and specifically a best practice example for my scenario.
Any pointers and hints are greately appreaciated!
In NUnit3 there is TestCaseSource
and TestCaseData
and for the best practices part I added FsUnit:
namespace NUnit3Demo
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
module MyTest =
let methodToBeTested s =
if String.length s > 3 then failwith "Something's wrong"
else String.length s
let validData =
TestCaseData(" ").Returns(3)
let invalidData =
" "
let otherInvalidData =
let ``More than 3 characters throws`` s =
(fun () -> methodToBeTested s |> ignore)
|> should throw typeof<System.Exception>
let ``Less than 4 characters returns length`` s =
methodToBeTested s
Note that TestCaseData
can take and return arbitrary objects (obviously they should match the test signatures). Also, the data can be written even nicer:
let validData =
" ", 3
"", 0
"a", 1
] |> List.map (fun (d, r) -> TestCaseData(d).Returns r)