I have a series of numbers that are 0 or 1. total length is 35115 or if you take 35115/15 you have 2341 blocks. I want to step through each block and see if my vector tmp matches the column of interest that contains the blocks. I want to seq along my dataframe, but take steps of 15 and ask does these 15 match my vector. What am I doing wrong? can someone help me? Thank you all for teaching me something useful. Cheers
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
3R 11024348 A G A1 0 61
3R 11024348 A G A2 1 30
3R 11024348 A G A3 0 68
3R 11024348 A G A4 0 57
3R 11024348 A G A5 0 63
3R 11024348 A G A6 0 49
3R 11024348 A G A7 0 60
3R 11024348 A G B1 0 63
3R 11024348 A G B2 0 64
3R 11024348 A G B3 0 71
3R 11024348 A G B4 1 51
3R 11024348 A G B5 0 37
3R 11024348 A G B6 0 52
3R 11024348 A G B7 0 47
3R 11024348 A G AB8 0 83
3R 11024410 C T A1 0 45
3R 11024410 C T A2 1 54
3R 11024410 C T A3 0 76
3R 11024410 C T A4 0 48
3R 11024410 C T A5 0 49
3R 11024410 C T A6 1 48
3R 11024410 C T A7 0 45
3R 11024410 C T B1 0 48
3R 11024410 C T B2 0 81
3R 11024410 C T B3 1 58
3R 11024410 C T B4 1 50
3R 11024410 C T B5 0 65
3R 11024410 C T B6 1 45
3R 11024410 C T B7 0 66
3R 11024410 C T AB8 0 58
for(i in seq(from=1, to=length(X$V6), by=15)){print(matchID<-match(tmp,X$V6[i]))}
If you really want to use a for loop
, you need to define a datastructure in order to store your loop results (could be a vector of numbers, strings, list, matrix, etc).
something like matchID<-vector()
let's look at your code:
for(i in seq(from=1, to=length(X$V6), by=15)){print(matchID<-match(tmp,X$V6[i]))}
your for function calls a loop from 1 to 30 (length of V6) jump by 15 (length of tmp), so it is going to return:
>for(i in seq(1,30,15)) print(i)
[1] 1
[1] 16
so if you index your V6 vector by i, the loop will only return the value at 1 and 16.
Here is my solution:
matchID<-vector() # stores the loop return in a vector
for(i in 1:length(x[, "V6"]){
matchID[i]<- as.numeric(tmp == x[, "V6"])[i]
you can see that for ith element in matchID, it always equals to the ith element in the vector comparing temp and "V6".
However, you really don't need a loop in this case
matchID<-as.numeric(tmp == x[, "V6"])