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ngClass in host property of component decorator does not work

I created the following simple example component that adds some attributes and listener to the component DOM element using the host property of the @Component decorator. In my case [ngClass] is has no effect. Does someone know why and how to fix it?

import { Injector, Component } from "angular2/core";
import { NgClass } from "angular2/common";
import { SelectionService } from "../selection-service";

    selector: "my-component",
    template: `<div>inner template</div>`,
    host: {
        style: "background-color: yellow", // works
        "[ngClass]": "{'selected': isSelected}", // does not work
        "(mouseover)": "mouseOver($event)", // works
        "(mouseleave)": "mouseLeave($event)", // works
    directives: [NgClass],
export class MyComponent {
    private isSelected = false;

    constructor(private selectionService: SelectionService) {$.subscribe((sel: Selection) => {
            this.isSelected = sel; // has no effect on ngClass

    mouseOver($event) {
        console.log("mouseOver works");

    mouseLeave($event) {
        console.log("mouseLeave works");

I'm using Angular 2.0.0-beta.7.


  • ngClass is a directive and can't be used in host bindings. Host bindings only supports

    • property '[propName]':'expr'
    • attribute '[attr.attrName]':'expr'
    • event (event)="someFunction(event);otherExpr",
    • style [style.width]="booleanExpr"
    • class [class.className]="booleanExpr" binding.
    • class [class]="expr" where expr is a string with space separated classes