Search code examples

Ransack search include parameter

I'm using gem 'ransack' to search records.

The page I'm programming starts with ONLY a dropdown to select @department. After that, I want Ransack to search within @department.

I need to include an additional parameter department=2 with the Ransack search parameters. (It works if I insert that into the browser URL).

Browser URL after I type in department=2


This is the controller:

  def costfuture

    @departments =
    if params[:department]
      @department = Department.find(params[:department])
      @search =[:q])
      @costprojects = @search.result.order(:department_priority)

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # index.html.erb
      format.json { render json: @departments }

I tried this in the view:

<%= search_form_for @search, url: departments_costfuture_path(:department => do |f| %>

But, the resulting URL is missing the department=2.


  • If you want to pass the department option through to Ransack, you can do this with a hidden field within your search_form_for:

    <%= search_form_for @search, url: departments_costfuture_path do |f| %>
      <%= f.hidden_field :department_eq, value: %>
      <%# Other form code here %>
    <% end %>

    But if you want to search a particular department, then it's better to use Rails routes for that. You can generate URLs like /departments/2/costfuture by modifying config/routes.rb:

    resources :departments do
      get 'costfutures', on: :member

    Now you can use the resulting URL helper to generate links that will set params[:id], and you can use that to retrieve @department.