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Satisfying Child View Model Dependencies

I'm building a master-detail form. The master view model constructs instances of the details view model. These details view models have several dependencies which need to be satisfied with new class instances. (This is because they need service layers that operate in a separate data context from the master vm.)

What would be the best way to fulfill these dependencies?

Thank you,


  • Some Possibilities:

    Hard-Coded References

    The following approach would solve the problem. However, as it introduces hard-coded dependencies, using it is out of the question.

    // in the master view model
    var detailViewModel = new DetailViewModel(new AccountService(), new TransactionService());

    Resolution via IoC Framework

    Another option would be for the parent view model to hold a reference to an IoC framework. This approach introduces a master view model dependency on the IoC framewok.

    // in the master view model
    var detailViewModel = new DetailViewModel(resolver.GetNew<IAccountService>(), resolver.GetNew<IAccountService>());

    Factory Func<>s

    class MasterViewModel {
      public MasterViewModel(Func<Service.IAccountService> accountServiceFactory, Func<Service.ITransactionService> transactionServiceFactory) {
        this.accountServiceFactory = accountServiceFactory;
        this.transactionServiceFactory = transactionServiceFactory;
        // instances for MasterViewModel's internal use
        this.accountService = this.accountServiceFactory();
        this.transactionService = this.transactionServiceFactory():
      public SelectedItem { 
        set {
           selectedItem = value;
           DetailToEdit = new DetailViewModel(selectedItem.Id, accountServiceFactory(), transactionServiceFactory());
        // ....