Search code examples

Update from Max Value of ID in Another Table

I need some help with the best way to achieve the following:

Source Table:

tbl_ID  name    Row_id  change_time
1       test1   1             2016-01-01 09:00:00
1       test2   2             2016-01-01 10:00:00
50      test3   3             2016-02-01 09:00:00
50      test4   4             2016-02-01 11:00:00
66      test50  5             2016-03-01 11:00:00

Destination Table:

tbl_ID  name    Row_id   RecordStatus
1       test1   1         Expired
1       test2   2         Expired ----need to update this to  'New Record'
50      test3   3         Expired
50      test4   4         Expired ---- need to update this to  'New Record'
66      test50  5         Expired ---- need to update this to  'New Record'        

I need to update the destination table record status column with 'New record' by joining to the source table by:

  • tbl_ID
  • Row_id columns.

WHERE the 'change_time' is MAX for each ID.

Any suggestions on the code I would be grateful.


  • This should do it:


    CREATE TABLE #temp(tbl_ID      INT,
                    name        VARCHAR(50),
                    Row_id      INT,
                    change_time DATETIME);
    INSERT INTO #temp
          (1, 'test1', 1, '2016-01-01 09:00:00'),
          (1, 'test2', 2, '2016-01-01 10:00:00'),
          (50, 'test3', 3, '2016-02-01 09:00:00'),
          (50, 'test4', 4, '2016-02-01 11:00:00'),
          (66, 'test50', 5, '2016-03-01 11:00:00');
    CREATE TABLE #temp2(tbl_ID       INT,
                    name         VARCHAR(50),
                    Row_id       INT,
                    RecordStatus VARCHAR(50));
    INSERT INTO #temp2
          (1, 'test1', 1, 'Expired'),
          (1, 'test2', 2, 'Expired'), ----need to update this to  'New Record'
          (50, 'test3', 3, 'Expired'),
          (50, 'test4', 4, 'Expired'), ---- need to update this to  'New Record'
          (66, 'test50', 5, 'Expired');  ---- need to update this to  'New Record' 


    ;WITH A
        AS (SELECT *,
                 RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY tbl_ID ORDER BY change_time) AS Ranking
            FROM   #temp),
        AS (SELECT A.*
            FROM   A
                 INNER JOIN
                         (SELECT tbl_ID,
                                MAX(Ranking) Ranking
                          FROM   A
                          GROUP BY tbl_ID) AS B ON A.tbl_ID = B.tbl_ID
                                              AND A.Ranking = B.Ranking)
        UPDATE A
          SET  A.RecordStatus = 'New Record'
        FROM #temp2 AS A
            INNER JOIN B B ON A.tbl_ID = B.tbl_ID
                           AND A.Row_id = B.Row_id;


    SELECT *
    FROM   #temp2;

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