I am very new to “Laravel” world so I could be wrong in very basics.
I am trying to setup a project with “Loosely Coupled” design pattern. I have looked into following tutorials:
and also looked into following threads of SO:
Laravel 5 - Interface is not instantiable
Laravel ReflectionException error : Repository doesn't exist
but couldn’t got the results.
So here is my application structure:
Here is "IUserRepository":
namespace App\Repositories\Abstracts;
interface IUserRepository {
public function getUserByID($ID);
And UserRepository:
namespace App\Repositories\Concrete;
use App\Repositories\Abstracts;
use app\Model;
class UserRepository implements IUserRepository {
public function getUserByID($id){
$user= User::find(1);
return $user;
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class IocProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register()
$this->app->bind('App\Repositories\Abstracts\IUserRepository', 'App\Repositories\Concrete\UserRepository');
And composer.json:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
Now I am getting this error:
ReflectionException in Container.php line 798:
Class App\Repositories\Abstracts\IUserRepository does not exist
Please guide me what am I doing wrong.
Your help would really be appreciated.
In your UserRepository try changing this : use App\Repositories\Abstracts
to this : use App\Repositories\Abstracts\IUserRepository
On a side note, as you are new to Laravel - go to Laracasts.com. There is no better laravel resource for tutorials then that site. It is the defacto recommendation for all new laravel people. (For example hre is a good set of free beginning laravel video tutorials: https://laracasts.com/series/laravel-5-from-scratch)
Good luck