I'm collecting 802.11 packets using scapy on Ubuntu 16.04 (4.4 kernel). The RadioTap headers for my packets have the following present flags:
Given the description of RadioTap, I would expect Channel to start on the 10th byte following the header and preceding fields (8 for TSFT + 1 each for Flags and Rate). Channel has an alignment of 2, so there is no need for padding. Yet this is what is in the undecoded portion of the packet:
notdecoded=' \x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00f\xc0 \x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x02l\t\xa0\x00\xa9\x00\x00\x00\xa9\x00'
In this case the channel number actually appears at bytes 18-19 ('l\t' = 2412), and im not sure exactly what byte contains the dBm signal strength.
Anyone have an idea as to what i'm missing?
Found the answer after digging into the spec a bit deeper:
Scapy doesn't parse extended headers as signified by bit-32 (though it did tell me about them by stating +Ext above). Those extra headers are stuffed on the front of 'notdecoded' section of the packet. I think scapy should, at minimum, remove those extended headers from not-decoded to avoid future confusion.
In this particular case there are two extra 32 bit extended bitmap headers, accounting for the extra 8 bytes.
If someone wants to write an answer up with more detail, ill accept it, otherwise i will clean this answer up and accept it for perpetuity.