For a project I working on I'm using custom signals which are emitted on a child and then should propagate to it parent when the signal is not handle completely.
Based on the information I could find it seems that not having a handler connected (using connect
) or returning False
in the callback should allow the signal to propagate to the widgets parent.
Yet in my toy example below this doesn't work:
class MyWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
GObject.signal_new("print-this", GObject.TYPE_OBJECT, GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, [GObject.TYPE_STRING])
self.button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label("Emit signals")
self.button.connect("clicked", self.emit_signals)
self.frame ="Some frame")
self.connect("print-this", self.got_it)
def got_it(self, widget, string):
print string
return False
def emit_signals(self, *args):
print "Emitting signals.."
self.button.emit("print-this", "I was emitted from the button")
self.frame.emit("print-this", "I was emitted from the frame")
self.emit("print-this", "I was emitted from the window")
When the signals are emitted I would expect the prints from all three emits yet I only get the print for the emit on the window. Which is probably caused by the fact that the signal is not propagating at all.
So where am I going wrong here? And more important how can I achieve the propagating behavior I'm looking for?
Generic GObject signals do not propagate through the GTK widget tree. Only event-related signals do that, and it's done internally inside GTK.
If you want your signal to be recursively emitted you'll have to add a function that calls g_signal_emit()
on every widget inside the tree.