I am mining on a dataset using the j48 tree algorithm.
I have been trying to understand what the useLaplace
parameter does. The only thing I have to go by is this:
Whether counts at leaves are smoothed based on LapLace
which is just the documentation which WEKA has provided. I have some questions about this though:
Everything I have found online doesn't really go into detail about what this parameter is actually doing, rather just explains that it "turns on Laplace smoothing."
Provost and Domingos found that frequency smoothing of the leaf probability estimates, such as Laplace correction, significantly enhances the performance of the decision tree. From what i have read, counts at leaves (a.k.a leaf probability in my previous sentence) are used to determine probabilistic estimate which can be define by:
P( to be class A | for attribute x) = TruePositive/(TruePositive + FalsePositive)
Smoothing consist in reducing noise and error among the results in the tree in order to produce more accurate probabilistic estimate.
Laplace is a frequency smoothing correction formula:
PLaplace ( to be class A | for attribute x)= (T P + 1)/(T P + F P + C)
where C is the number of clas in the dataset.