Search code examples

Autocompleting searchBar

I am trying to implement a searchBar in my iOS App. I am searching country and city from the app. Country and city names are coming from the database. There are few problems which I am having is in my code.

First right now my code successfully searches the city but it isn't searching country name and I don't know how can I do a search in country names as well.

    func updateSearchResultsForSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {

                let searchWord = searchController.searchBar.text!



                for (key, value) in self.dict {
                    let valueContainsSearchWord: Bool = (((value as? NSDictionary)?["City"] as? NSDictionary)?["name"] as? String)?.uppercaseString.containsString(searchWord.uppercaseString) ?? false
                    if valueContainsSearchWord {
                        self.filteredKeys.append(key as! String)


Second issue Is I want to get the ids of selected country and city as well which user selects on the app. For your information I am getting the ids from the server as well

Here is my full code

class CountryTableViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchResultsUpdating {

    var dict = NSDictionary()
    var filteredKeys = [String]()

    var resultSearchController = UISearchController()

    var newTableData = [String]()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.resultSearchController = ({

            let controller  = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
            controller.searchResultsUpdater = self
            controller.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
            self.tableView.tableHeaderView = controller.searchBar
            return controller



    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

        if ( {

            return self.filteredKeys.count
        } else {

            return dict.count


    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("cell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CountryTableViewCell


            let key = self.filteredKeys[indexPath.row]

            let dictionary = self.dict[key] as! NSDictionary


                let cityName = (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["City"] as?NSDictionary)!["name"] as?NSString),

               let stateName  = (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["State"] as? NSDictionary)!["name"] as? NSString),

                 let shortName  = (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["Country"] as? NSDictionary)!["short_name"] as? NSString)

                cell.stateNameLabel.text = stateName as String
                cell.cityNameLabel.text = cityName as String
                 cell.shortNameLabel.text = shortName as String

                      return cell

            if let cityName = (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["City"] as?NSDictionary)!["name"] as?NSString){
            cell.cityNameLabel.text = cityName as String
            return cell


    func updateSearchResultsForSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {

        let searchWord = searchController.searchBar.text!



        for (key, value) in self.dict {
            let valueContainsSearchWord: Bool = (((value as? NSDictionary)?["City"] as? NSDictionary)?["name"] as? String)?.uppercaseString.containsString(searchWord.uppercaseString) ?? false
            if valueContainsSearchWord {
                self.filteredKeys.append(key as! String)


    func getCountriesNamesFromServer(searchWord:String){

        let url:String = "http://localhost"
        let params = ["keyword":searchWord]

        ServerRequest.postToServer(url, params: params) { result, error in

            if let result = result {
                print("result is\(result)")

                self.dict = result




dictionary structure:

    0 =     {
        City =         {
            code = 10409;
            "country_id" = 244;
            id = 8727;
            iso = "ZA-05";
            lat = "-32.7833000";
            longi = "26.8333000";
            name = Alice;
            "state_id" = 4379;
        Country =         {
            id = 244;
            name = "South Africa";
            "short_name" = ZA;
        State =         {
            "country_id" = 244;
            id = 4379;
            name = "Eastern Cape";


  • You are only searching for ["City"] key in dicitionay, should add ["Country"] key too.

    for (key, value) in self.dict {
            let valueContainsCity: Bool = (((value as? NSDictionary)?["City"] as? NSDictionary)?["name"] as? String)?.uppercaseString.containsString(searchWord.uppercaseString) ?? false
            let valueContainsCountry: Bool = (((value as? NSDictionary)?["Country"] as? NSDictionary)?["name"] as? String)?.uppercaseString.containsString(searchWord.uppercaseString) ?? false
            if valueContainsCity || valueContainsCountry{ self.filteredKeys.append(key as! String) }

    uppercaseString - is your city and country names in uppercaseString? if not do a lowerCaseString

    this will get you city id and country id.

    (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["City"] as?NSDictionary)!["id"] as?NSString)
    (((self.dict["\(indexPath.row)"] as?NSDictionary)!["Country"] as?NSDictionary)!["id"] as?NSString)