I have used FDQuery (Delphi XE5 and SQL Server 2008) and set SQL prop to the following SQL command :
select LetterId, LetterTitle, LetterDate
from Letters
and the FDUpdateSQL assigned it to FDQuery.UpdateObject, set FDUpdateSQL.FetchRowSQL to this command :
select LetterTitle
from Letters
where LetterID=:Old_LetterID
When I change the LetterTitle value and post it and then run FDQuery.RefreshRecord, all fields restore with null value and LetterTitle restore with posted value.
Is there a way to restore only the selected field?
Call FDQuery.RefreshRecord(False)
When the AClearRow parameter is set to True (default value), then the record is initially erased. Otherwise the read values override the corresponding column values.