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Polymer 1.x: paper-fab elevation not working?

In this jsBin, I'm trying to add a paper-fab to my element.

I expect to see a shadow corresponding to the elevation property. But instead I see no shadow. All the elevations seem to have the same shadow (implied z-depth).

Is the problem with my code or the element?,output
<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <!---- >
  <base href="">
  <!---- >
  Toggle below/above as backup when server is down
  <base href="">
  <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  <link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
  <link href="paper-fab/paper-fab.html" rel="import">
  <link href="iron-icons/iron-icons.html" rel="import">

<dom-module id="x-element">

    paper-fab {
      margin: 15px;
  <paper-fab icon="add" elevation="5"></paper-fab>
  <paper-fab icon="add" elevation="4"></paper-fab>
  <paper-fab icon="add" elevation="3"></paper-fab>
  <paper-fab icon="add" elevation="2"></paper-fab>
  <paper-fab icon="add" elevation="1"></paper-fab>


      is: "x-element",





  • Looks to me like a problem with the element. In the documentation, it sounds as if it could be used the way you intend.

    The z-depth of this element, from 0-5. Setting to 0 will remove the shadow, and each increasing number greater than 0 will be "deeper" than the last

    But then elevation property is read-only, so setting it has no effect.