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How to save & use a ReST response in further requests in PowerShell

I am trying to implement a ReST request in PowerShell.

Request 1:

$response = Invoke-RestMethod "my-custom-url" -Headers $headers -Method POST -Body $json -ContentType "application/json" -OutFile output.json -SessionVariable sv

Reponse from Request 1:

  "@type": "user",
  "id": "00000703000000000010",
  "orgId": "000007",
  "name": "[email protected]",

I need to save the value of "id" & add it to the header of next request. How can I achieve that?

----Update--Adding the WriteHost $response

@{@type=user; id=00000703000000000010; orgId=000007; name=xxx; createTime=2014-08-27T12:12:21.000Z; updateTime=2016-02-27
T00:40:13.000Z; [email protected]; updatedBy=xxx; sfUsername=ppanigrahi; firstName=Pravakar; lastName=P
anigrahi; password=********; phone=9008433201; [email protected]; timezone=IST; serverUrl=http://localhost:16006/saas; spiUrl
=https://localhost:8080/; icSessionId=QpXZEkqYEflJRY7h; securityQuestion=MOTHER_MAIDEN_NAME; forceChangePassword=False; uuid=C1bL60uIQqyRaF3
nXCHFkA; roles=System.Object[]; usergroups=System.Object[]}


  • Since you're using Invoke-RestMethod, the response will be an object containing the properties with the data and you can access the id from the $

    I'm not sure if you want to try to pass the "Id" as a header value or as a cookie (as you're referring to your session variable also; where you'd normally persist e.g. cookies etc).

    If all you want is to pass a custom-header containing the field "Id" you can do the following before the next request:


    I'm assuming you've defined $headers on beforehand here. Else you can create it directly with $headers = @{"Id"=$};.

    Then on the next service call just reuse your $headers variable as you allready did.

    If what you really are trying to achieve is to create a cookie and add this one to your session (variable) so you don't have to repeat yourself for every subsequent call; you should create a cookie and add it doing the following:

    $c=New-Object System.Net.Cookie;
    $c.Value = $response.Id;
    # Make sure domain and path is matching your backend-server
    $c.Domain = ""; 
    # Add cookie to your websession

    This will create a cookie and add it to your websession (if $sv is in your session). If you don't have a webrequest session ($sv in your case), you can create this on before hand using $sv = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession;