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Powershell cmd to Tail over the files of Directory

I am looking for Powershell cmd to print the last 5 lines of data from any file in the directory.


Get-Content -Tail 5 -Wait .\test.log

will print tail over the specific file from last 5 lines. If any new content is being appended to that file, it will keep printing.

Similarly, I want to tail over all the files from directory. Print the contents if any file is getting modified.

Tried something like this, didn't work!

Get-Content -Tail 5 -Wait .\folder*.log


  • While you can use -Tail with multiple files, when using -Wait only the first file will have it changes reported. But this is possible if you use a workflow and run the command in parallel.

    # Get-Tail.ps1
    Workflow Get-Tail
        param (
        foreach -parallel ($File in $Path) {
            Get-Content -Path $File -Tail $Tail -Wait

    Then run the following:

    . .\Get-Tail.ps1
    $files = (dir .\folder*.log).FullName
    Get-Tail -Path $files -Tail 5