Python loop isn't wanting to loop back if the user's guess is greater than or less than the randomly generated value. It either exits the loop or creates an infinite loop. Where am I going wrong?
import random
correct = random.randint(1, 100)
tries = 1
inputcheck = True
print("Hey there! I am thinking of a numer between 1 and 100!")
while inputcheck:
guess = input("Try to guess the number! " )
#here is where we need to make the try statement
guess = int(guess)
except ValueError:
print("That isn't a number!")
if 0 <= guess <= 100:
inputcheck = False
print("Choose a number in the range!")
if guess == correct:
print("You got it!")
print("It took you {} tries!".format(tries))
inputcheck = False
if guess > correct:
print("You guessed too high!")
tries = tries + 1
if guess < correct:
print("You guessed too low!")
tries = tries + 1
if tries >= 7:
print("Sorry, you only have 7 guesses...")
keepGoing = False
The problem is with this line:
if 0 <= guess <= 100:
inputcheck = False
This will terminate the loop whenever the user enters a number between 0 and 100. You can rewrite this part as:
if not 0 <= guess <= 100:
print("Choose a number in the range!")