I am trying to create an iOS app using the alljoyn library. However when I try to create a bus attachment in swift by calling busAttachment = AJNBusAttachment.init(applicationName: "BusName", allowRemoteMessages: true);
error during runtime.
This is the class I am using to create and use the bus attachment
class HostController: UIViewController {
var hostApi: HostApi!
var busAttachment: AJNBusAttachment!
var sessionOpts: AJNSessionOptions!
var CONTACT_PORT: AJNSessionPort = 12345
var serviceName: String = "org.company.appname.HelloWorld"
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSLog("HostController viewDidLoad");
var status: QStatus!
busAttachment = AJNBusAttachment(applicationName: "BusName", allowRemoteMessages: true);
hostApi = HostApi.init(busAttachment: busAttachment, onPath: "/HostService");
status = busAttachment.start();
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.start, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
status = busAttachment.registerBusObject(hostApi);
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.registerBusObject, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
status = busAttachment.connectWithArguments(nil);
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.connectWithArguments, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
status = busAttachment.requestWellKnownName(serviceName, withFlags: kAJNBusNameFlagReplaceExisting | kAJNBusNameFlagDoNotQueue)
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.requestWellKnownName, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
sessionOpts = AJNSessionOptions.init(trafficType: kAJNTrafficMessages, supportsMultipoint: true, proximity: kAJNProximityAny, transportMask: kAJNTransportMaskTCP);
status = busAttachment.bindSessionOnPort(CONTACT_PORT, withOptions: sessionOpts, withDelegate: nil);
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.bindSessionOnPort, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
status = busAttachment.advertiseName(serviceName, withTransportMask: sessionOpts.transports);
if (status != ER_OK) {
NSLog("busAttachment.advertiseName, Status: %s", QCC_StatusText(status));
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
class BusListener: NSObject, AJNBusListener {}
class SessionPortListener: NSObject, AJNSessionPortListener {
func shouldAcceptSessionJoinerNamed(joiner: String!, onSessionPort sessionPort: AJNSessionPort, withSessionOptions options: AJNSessionOptions!) -> Bool {
if (sessionPort == 12345) {
NSLog("New peer joining session: %s", joiner);
return true;
} else {
return false;
One thing I could be missing, on java we had to call org.alljoyn.bus.alljoyn.DaemonInit.PrepareDaemon(context);
before we could use bus attachments, however in the samples provided for iOS there does not seem to be an equivalent call. Maybe I just missed it and it is put somewhere else, or maybe on iOS there is no equivalent.
Like Java you need to init AllJoyn before you can use it.
To fix this I added #import "AJNInit.h"
to my bridging header and added this to my swift to initialise AllJoyn.
You should also call these methods to release resources used by AllJoyn.