I need to change some lines in a TextBox
using a For
loop. The problem is that when I run the following code I get an IndexOfOfRangeException
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
End Sub
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
should be
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length -1
Otherwise it evaluates the part after To
as a boolean.
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
you are setting the complete text of the textbox to this new string instead of just changing one line.
The easiest way to do this task would be to copy the lines of the textbox to a string array, change the strings in that array and copy it back.
Dim tempArray as String()
tempArray = TextBox1.Lines
For counter = 0 to tempArray.Length -1
tempArray(counter) = "some text" & "(" & """" & tempArray(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
TextBox1.Lines = tempArray