I'm using P4V. I work in a subdirectory (eg code/jorge) and other people work in another subdirectory (eg art/) that I never deal with. Additionally I have a stream where I do my personal work. Every so often I need to merge changes from the main line to my stream, and copy them back up. However, the files in art/ are large binaries and Perforce spends a long time thinking about them even though I've not touched them. Is there any way to have perforce merge/copy my directory (code/jorge) without it spending time trying to merge art/? Can I tell P4V to merge/copy only the code directory?
Related but not identical question: Perforce streams, exclude files from merge/copy
If you don't touch those files, it might be easier to not include them in your stream at all rather than manually exclude them every time you do a merge.
I.e. if your stream Paths currently says:
share ...
maybe it should instead be:
share code/jorge/...
or, if you need the art for builds but never need to modify it, you might consider doing something like:
import art/...
share code/...