In my application all routes are scoped to a locale, that user has selected like this:
scope ":locale", locale: /#{SpreeI18n::Config.supported_locales.join('|')}/ do
devise_for :users, skip: :omniauth_callbacks
get '/', to: 'homepage#index', :as => :homepage
When I want to send reset password instructions like User.find(1).send_reset_password_instructions
, there is a problem:
Devise::Mailer#reset_password_instructions: processed outbound mail in 4249.9ms
ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"devise/passwords", :reset_password_token=>"-zyuNkscVkwFn2awdm27"} missing required keys: [:locale]
How can I pass locale so that I can send the reset token?
Let's create a custom controller for password
Customize routes.rb
scope ":locale", locale: /#{SpreeI18n::Config.supported_locales.join('|')}/ do
devise_for :users, skip: :omniauth_callbacks, controllers: { passwords: 'my_passwords' }
get '/', to: 'homepage#index', :as => :homepage
class MyPasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
def create
resource_params.merge!(locale: 'en') # use 'en' for eg
Then send_reset_password_instructions
function will take your customized resource_params
when sending the email.
Please refer to devise sourcecode to understand what devise does in detail!