The program written in C++ MFC has a Dialog Window which plays a full screen video and the cursor is hidden.
I want to display the cursor when there is movement in mouse (video is playing in background)
Cursor disappears when the mouse is inactive for 3 seconds (Video still playing)
Example:It is just like any video player in fullscreen mode, where the controls are hidden if mouse is inactive and mouse movement gets the controls back.
I have tried
in the BOOL CDialog1::OnInitDialog()
But it shows (TRUE) even if there is no mouse movement.
Thank you!
This code:
I have tried if(WM_MOUSEMOVE) {ShowCursor(TRUE)
} in the BOOL CDialog1::OnInitDialog()
looks like if it was a pseudo code, if(WM_MOUSEMOVE)
is equivalent to if(true)
What you should do is to catch WM_MOUSEMOVE
message and then show your cursor, still inside this message handler set a timer with time for example 3 seconds, in timer handler hide your cursor. Remember to recreate your timer each time WM_MOUSEMOVE
is received so it will reset it to start counting again from begining.
I am not getting into details, as this question is not on how to receive messages with MFC, right? You dont catch messages inside OnInitDialog
BOOL CDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE)
return CDialogEx::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);