We have a cron based job in our application.
The job class is as follows:
public class DailyUpdate implements Job {
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
private void testMethod()
System.out.pritnln("Executed From scheduler");
How should we write unit test case to test Method testMethod()
I cannot call testMethod Directly without scheduler as it is private..Any suggestion how to write unit test cases for Scheduler
In order to write a test you need to have an expected behavior so there is no point on testing a method that does nothing.
Now to your main problem. If you have somewhat of a legacy application, and you're not allowed to change the visibility of your methods, the best way to test private methods is to use reflection.
So you can use the following pattern
Method testMethod = DailyUpdate.getDeclaredMethod(testMethod, argClasses);
testMethod .setAccessible(true);
return testMethod.invoke(targetObject, argObjects);
see also this question how to test a class that has private methods fields or inner classes