So my code gets two words, and checks if one is the anagram of another one.
However doesn't work if multiple letters are exchanged, although I tried to account for that.
storedword = input("Enter your primary word \t")
global word
word = list(storedword)
word3 = input("Enter anagram word \t")
word3lowercase = word3.lower()
anaw = list(word3lowercase)
counter = int(0)
letterchecker = int(0)
listlength = len(word)
newcounter = int(0)
if len(anaw) != len(word):
print ("not anagram")
if len(anaw) == len(word):
while counter < listlength and newcounter < listlength:
tempcount = 0
if anaw[counter] == word[newcounter]:
temp = word[newcounter]
word[newcounter] = word[tempcount]
letterchecker +=1
counter +=1
tempcount +=1
newcounter = int(0)
newcounter +=1
if counter == len(word):
print ("anagram")
print ("not anagram")
I think it's gone somewhere wrong after the if len(anaw)
section, for example if the primary word is "hannah", and the secondary word is "hannnn", it thinks it's an anagram.
newcounter = int(0)
This is the line that causes the trouble (in the while loop).
Because of it you start checking the word from the beginning again.
I think you want it to be newcounter=letterchecker
Since already used characters are put to the front of word
they are ignored if you start with letterchecker
Tell me if it works
Edit:Checked with example given, seems to work.