I'm using the ANN Library (https://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/). There is a function
ANNkdTree::getStats(ANNkdStats &st)
which provides the kdtree statistics. The library's manual defines this function like this:
class ANNkdStats { // stats on kd-tree
int dim; // dimension of space
int n_pts; // number of points
However, if I follow the function calls, I can only find a forward declaration
class ANNkdStats;
The only thing that I want to do is a simple use of this function
ANNkdStats st;
And the compiler output follows:
37: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class ANNkdStats’
ANNkdStats *st = new ANNkdStats();
include/ANN/ANN.h:701:7: error: forward declaration of ‘class ANNkdStats’
class ANNkdStats; // stats on kd-tree
I'm not used to work with forward declaration methods, and I don't know how to solve it, because I can't modify the library.
Thanks in advance for your answers. :D
class is defined inside the ANN/ANNperf.h
header file:
class ANNkdStats { // stats on kd-tree
int dim; // dimension of space
int n_pts; // no. of points
// ...
ANNkdStats() // basic constructor
{ reset(); }
void merge(const ANNkdStats &st); // merge stats from child
Adding a
#include "ANN/ANNperf.h"
directive should be enough (ANNperf.h
includes in turn ANN.h
This assumes that the ANN include directory is already on the compiler's search path (g++ -Iinclude_dir