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Behat reusable actions add header

I'm using Behat in a Symfony2 app.

I have made a reusable action to add a HTTP header on some scenarios

* @Given I am authenticated as admin
public function iAmAuthenticatedAsAdmin()
    $value = 'Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx';

    $response = new Response();
    $response->headers->set('Authorization', $value);

    return $response;

This action is call when I add the I am authenticated as admin step in my scenario but it doesn't add my header. Like this

Scenario: I find all my DNS zones
  Given I am authenticated as admin
  And I send a GET request to "/api/dns"
  Then the response code should be 200

How can I add a HTTP header before my request step in my scenario, using a reusable action ? Is it possible ?



  • I have find the way to do this.

    If you are using WebApiExtension

    Just import the WebApiContext in your context class like this

     * @param BeforeScenarioScope $scope
     * @BeforeScenario
    public function gatherContexts(BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
        $environment = $scope->getEnvironment();
        $this->webApiContext = $environment->getContext('Behat\WebApiExtension\Context\WebApiContext');

    And you just have now to use the iSetHeaderWithValue :

     * @Given I am authenticated as admin
    public function iAmAuthenticatedAsAdmin()
        $name = 'Authorization';
        $value = 'Bearer xxxxxxxx';
        $this->webApiContext->iSetHeaderWithValue($name, $value);