I am using Renci SSH.NET, but trying to test on a FTP (not SFTP site).
I did get this working with WinSCP - but cannot get it to work on Renci - WinSCP allows me to set the protocol to either FTP or SFTP - I think this is the issue - I am prompted for
No suitable authentication method found to complete authentication (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
How do I turn off SFTP (and just use FTP) on Renci SSH.NET? I tried
Dim c As Renci.SshNet.SftpClient / ScpClient/ BaseClient / NetConfClient
here is code:
Private Sub LancerUpload()
Dim PWAuthMeth = New PasswordAuthenticationMethod(Login, Password)
Dim KIAuthMeth = New KeyboardInteractiveAuthenticationMethod(Login)
AddHandler KIAuthMeth.AuthenticationPrompt, AddressOf HandleKeyEvent
Dim ConnectionInfo As New ConnectionInfo(ServerName, 22, Login, PWAuthMeth, KIAuthMeth)
Dim SshClient1 As New SshClient(ConnectionInfo)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub HandleKeyEvent(sender As Object, e As Renci.SshNet.Common.AuthenticationPromptEventArgs)
For Each prompt As Renci.SshNet.Common.AuthenticationPrompt In e.Prompts
If prompt.Request.IndexOf("Password:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) <> -1 Then
prompt.Response = Password
End If
End Sub
As the name says, the Renci SSH.NET library is an SSH library.
The FTP has nothing to do with the SSH nor the SFTP. Contrary to the SFTP, what in a subsystem of the SSH.
So no, you cannot use the Renci SSH.NET for the FTP protocol.
You may want to read Is "SFTP" and "FTP over SSL" a same thing? and Differences between SFTP and "FTP over SSH".