I am trying to merge a text to multiple slides using OpenTBS but can not get the [a.ProjectName] to be replaced in the title of multiple slides.
I followed the demo in OpenTBS but when I use the code below to retrieve the Project Name I can not get the block substitution to succeed.
This is the code I have used:
$data = array ('ProjectName' => $manageProjectName->getProjectName());
$TBS->MergeBlock('a', $data);
$TBS->Plugin(OPENTBS_SELECT_SLIDE, 1, true); //true means use slide master but it is not having any effect
How can I get the [a.ProjectName] to be replaced with the contents of the ProjectName across multiple slides and merge contents of ProjectName to multiple slides using OpenTBS?
Here are the points to take in account in your case :
, MergeField()
, and automatic fields [onload]
, [onshow]
).Another problem in your snippet is that you seem to confuse MergeBlock()
and MergeField()
. MergeBlock() is for merging data that are recordsets (several records, having several fields) ; thus the block is repeated as many times as they are records. MergeField() is for merging items, just like in your snippet.
So your code should be:
$data = array ('ProjectName' => $manageProjectName->getProjectName());
// Merging [a.ProjectName] in the master slide #1
$TBS->Plugin(OPENTBS_SELECT_SLIDE, 1, true);
$TBS->MergeField('a', $data);
// Merging [a.ProjectName] in the normal slide #1
$TBS->MergeField('a', $data);