I'm having a problem I don't seem to find a solution for, and it looks really odd given i've tried everything I could with the official Spring Data Couchbase documentation.
Basically all i'm trying to do is a simple count() method.
My Repository :
public interface ICourrierRepository extends CrudRepository<Courrier, String> {
List<Courrier> findByCategorie(String categorie);
Long countByCategorie(String categorie);
@View(designDocument = "_design/courrier", viewName = "courrierBase")
long count();
The view is setup like this : http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/169793Capture.png
And the view map is like this :
function (doc, meta) {
if (doc._class == "com.model.Courrier") {
emit(meta.id, null);
Worst thing is it actually works when i set a "reduce" to "_count" in the CouchBase GUI, but when I launch it from my client, I always get the same message, and the return is 0 :
[cb-computations-2] INFO c.c.c.java.view.ViewRetryHandler - Received a View HTTP response code (400) I did not expect, not retrying.
Thanks for any help...
I actually found the problem... it comes from this line :
@View(designDocument = "_design/courrier", viewName = "courrierBase")
which should be
@View(designDocument = "courrier", viewName = "courrierBase")
Also, the view should be set to reduce : _count.
Hope this helps future users !