I have a struct (getItems) that defines a post when I read my posts, I store them in an array like so :
var posts = [getItems]()
problem is :
I ve decided to create sections in my tableview
How can I create an array of posts ?
I ve tried to declare var items = [posts]()
but this doesn t work
I also have a item counter that counts how many items should be in each section, but I can't figure out how to split my array of getItems into something like :
[index1 : [getItems1, getItems2 ...], index2:[getItems1, getItems2 ...]...]
this so I could call sections and row in my TableView
Sincerely PS : I didn't post any code since it's a lot of data here ...
I'm not entirely sure if this is want you want. Let's say if you have a counter
function that will take an section index as parameter and return how many posts should be in this particular section.
func counter(index: Int) -> Int {
return index
Then calculate your subarrays like this:
var currentIndex = 0
var totalCount = 0
var sections: [Int: [getitems]] = [:]
while totalCount < posts.count {
let currentCounter = counter(currentIndex)
sections[currentIndex] = posts.suffixFrom(totalCount).prefix(currentCounter).flatMap { $0 }
totalCount += currentCounter
And then in your func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return sections[section].count