I’ve created a case statement to work in this order.
Determine if it’s a “Priority Escalation”, “Ready for Pickup”, “Waiting for Routing”, ELSE a date range.
The above works if I exclude the ELSE
portion of the case statement. If none of the other cases are true, then I need my else statement to produce a Shipment Date plus 2 days added to the Shipment date to give a date range for when a package will be shipped. i.e. 02/15/2016 – 02/17/2016
When datediff (day, sl.[Shipment Date], sl.[Priority Escalation Date]) < 0 then 'Priority Escalation'
When sh.[On Hold] = 'RFP' then 'Ready for Pickup'
When sh.[On Hold] = 'WFR' then 'Waiting for Routing'
Else sl.[Shipment date] + “ – “ + & DateAdd("d", 2, sl.[Shipment Date])
End as 'Expected Value'
This is what the data should look like
Expected Value
02/24/2016 - 02/26/2016
02/24/2016 - 02/26/2016
02/24/2016 - 02/26/2016
02/24/2016 - 02/26/2016
Waiting for Routing
Waiting for Routing
Priority Escalation
Ready for Pickup
Ready for Pickup
Priority Escalation
Priority Escalation
Priority Escalation
Ready for Pickup
You might be running into a conversion error. To fix that, you need to CONVERT
your dates to VARCHAR
WHEN DATEDIFF (DAY, sl.[Shipment Date], sl.[Priority Escalation Date]) < 0 THEN 'Priority Escalation'
WHEN sh.[On Hold] = 'RFP' THEN 'Ready for Pickup'
WHEN sh.[On Hold] = 'WFR' THEN 'Waiting for Routing'
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), sl.[Shipment date], 101) + ' - '
+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(DAY, 2, sl.[Shipment Date]), 101)
END AS 'Expected Value'